How Much is Your Blog Really Worth?

Do you know the value of your blog/website? What if you discovered your site was gone, tomorrow? You lost every page and post you created. You already know how much time you spent on the site, but do you know how much money went into it? How much money is gone, if something did happened to your site?

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SolidWP Editorial Team
Content Replacement CalculatorDo you know the value of your blog/website? What if you discovered your site was gone, tomorrow? You lost every page and post you created. You already know how much time you spent on the site, but do you know how much money went into it? How much money is gone, if something did happened to your site? Time is extremely valuable to everyone. Your time is valuable just as your clients or coworkers time. The content you’ve created, as well as the site your readers can find it on, is money in the bank.

The Value of Your Content

How long does it take to write a good blog post? This does not include time spent on research or interviewing. I timed the writing of this post and it took 45 minutes for the initial draft followed by another 45 minutes of edits. Throwing some numbers into the Content Replacement Cost Calculator, you can quickly see an example of the value of content.

Content Calculator 90 minutes

Plug your own numbers in to the Content Replacement Calculator and see what your content is worth! Calculate The Value of Your Content

Protect Your Content

Now that you’ve put a dollar amount to the content on your site, let’s talk about what you’re doing to protect that content. First and foremost, a solid backup plan is a must – and BackupBuddy can help! You can schedule backups weekly, or whenever is best for your site. BackupBuddy even lets you know how many site edits have occurred since your last backup. This prompt ensures you always have a current backup of your site. In the Content Replacement example above, I could potentially lose $8,700 if my content was lost. Talk about stressful. BackupBuddy provides peace of mind for all you freelancers, designers, and WordPress Admins. Learn More About BackupBuddy

Secure Your Content

There are all kinds of reasons something could happen to your content. A common reason is (lack of) security. WordPress security is a hot topic because hackers are on their game 24/7. Protecting your content and ensuring your site’s security is critical. Are you protected against brute force attacks? Can you ban problem hosts, bots or other users? iThemes Security makes securing your content a piece of cake. Check out the 30+ ways iThemes Security protects your site! Learn More About iThemes Security Can you afford the risk of losing all your content, comments, images, themes, plugins? The Content Replacement Calculator provides quick and easy justification of a plan to backup and secure your content.

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