
10 Conversion Marketing Tips to Increase Conversions

Conversions begin with a clear marketing goal. What are you trying to achieve? In this post, we'll cover conversion marketing tips to increase conversions. Setting these marks helps you to build a trajectory within your marketing campaigns. For example, making money, once you factor in the market conditions, isn’t as simple as setting it as a goal.

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Conversions begin with a clear marketing goal. What are you trying to achieve? In this post, we’ll cover conversion marketing tips to increase conversions.

Setting these marks helps you to build a trajectory within your marketing campaigns. For example, making money, once you factor in the market conditions, isn’t as simple as setting it as a goal. You still need conversions.

conversion marketing tips

Conversion Market Tips: A Perfect Strategy for Boosting Your Site’s Conversions

Your website is a dynamic piece of “real estate” within a diverse online market. Every business, when gauging its digital marketing, is only as effective as how its website performs. Your URL is where we access your business—as a digital brand. Your keywords, the products you sell, and the ideal consumer you need can all be conveyed through a website. [pullquote]A sale is a type of conversion, but so is the amount of traffic that you generate in a month. Generating leads, building an email list, or decreasing your bounce rate are all conversion goals[/pullquote]

These specs make it imperative that your website is created with a strategy in mind. The competitive business world has set a few standards that you need to live up to. Every business must develop a set of strategies to ensure the performance of its web pages. Your central goal, with a keen eye for what your consumer wants, should be to maximize conversions. Conversions set the stage for online marketing, and you need them to build revenue.

Why track conversions? Often, altering something within a marketing campaign is only possible once you’ve set a specific goal related to it. Being able to make adjustments, alter your course or increase your performance is why conversions are necessary. If you don’t set conversion goals, you won’t be able to see how your campaigns perform. You’ll have nothing to measure. That’s why these conversion marketing tips begin with your ability to measure the performance of your website.

Let’s Start with the Basic Equation: Calculating Conversions

As we look closer into how a website is improved, let’s consider the basic equation for writing out your conversions.

Every conversion is the outcome of simple division. Divide a specific outcome by the opportunities that existed for this outcome to be reached. Readers are the simplest “unit” used to explain this. Conversions are measured by tallying up the entire group of people who’ve read your content versus those who left your page.

That equation looks something like this: “100 readers out of 1,000 visitors = %10.”

Now that we have the math covered, let’s look at 10 conversion marketing tips:

1. Maximize Lead Generation

The first of our conversion marketing tips involves considering your lead generation efforts. Clearly, without more people, you won’t be able to boost the performance of your site. Measuring your conversions requires that people are involved. Lead generation is what brings more people into your online brand. Leads are generated with ads, guest posting, social media accounts, or by improving your SEO. First, try to increase your traffic flow as you work to polish your site.

Pro marketers understand this key ingredient when they’re generating leads. Their secret is in knowing that people won’t simply show up to a website. Outreach and promotion have to be done first. You don’t have to be a genius to make lead generation work; you just have to know that getting more views is the result of strategically working on that objective.

2. Develop Your USP

A USP is the “unique selling proposition” of your company. Every brand must be identified as unique. Uniqueness comes from the additions you offer, the slogans you use, or the bonus materials that you give, which can make you stand out. Every business has a group of businesses to compete with—within their own industries. A carwash has to compete with other carwashes that are working for the same group of regional clients. Your website, likewise, has its own competition.

A USP guides people into staying with your website over your competitors. This happens when your website reveals uniqueness that consumers won’t find elsewhere. Great examples of effective USPs are giveaways, life-changing webinars, or visitor discounts. Anything that makes you stand apart from your competitors can boost your conversions.

3. Focus on Building Your Email List

Next in the list of conversion marketing tips involves your email list-building strategy. Why? Your website shouldn’t be a one-time-visited place. Expect your readers to visit often and to be engaged with the content you have. The more engaged they are, the higher your SEO ranking is within the search engines. Having an email list gives you this advantage. Entering the email boxes of your leads is a way to redirect them back to your website. You can link them to your blog, a video, or your highest converting sales page.

A simple WordPress plugin can do the trick. Email marketing is only effective once you have an opt-in form to get people to sign up with. A content upgrade works alongside any active blog you have and leads your readers into your email list. You can then access those leads at a future date through their inboxes. With a focus on boosting the conversions of your site, be sure to lead your readers back to your website.

For an easy way to implement content upgrades on your site, check out our WordPress Content Upgrades plugin.

4. Utilize Landing Pages

Landing pages are a secret weapon of online marketers. These pages, with a specific intent to convert sales or leads, are effective for driving up conversions. They work for a single reason: they’re created with only one objective in mind. You decide on what that goal is, but the reader should be led to this page only when they’re ready to take action. You ensure the reader’s singularity of mind because, with this page, there’ll be nothing to distract them.

Unlike a homepage with tons of data, a landing page is focused on getting the reader to do something that’s tied to your conversion goals. The most cost-effective way to create landing pages is with a WordPress landing page plugin. Conversion marketing is most effective when centered around a single theme. This is how landing pages perfect a message. The more you work on one, the more strategic, concise, and direct it will be.

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5. Use Straight-Forward CTA Buttons

The CTA of your pages is called the “call to action.” It’s a phrase that marketers have been using for a century now. The idea behind our fifth conversion marketing tip is that you have a specific “thing” or action that you want your readers to take. Improve your chances by asking yourself about what you want your visitors to do. Think about the purpose of your entire site and each individual page. Have this objective outlined before writing a page; give yourself the best strategic setting to work in.

You can then design your content with the secret intent of getting people to achieve your CTA. This brings us to the buttons that you use. “Solutions” are what your readers are looking for. With a website, there’s an implication that you can offer solutions to your readers. A button implies that the readers’ shortest means to their solution is a simple click away. Ensuring that your buttons align with the strategy of your CTA can boost your conversions.

6. Design Matters

People like to see pretty things, and the design of your website can impact if people stay or immediately leave. You definitely don’t need fancy colors or animated graphics, but you do need to organize your site with the consumer in mind.

  • Make things easy to read.
  • Space out your text so that none of it gets congested.
  • Be sure to leave buttons and links in places where they are easy to access.

Search engines can scan a webpage to gauge its layout. Use a quality WordPress theme and then start building your site from there. Google’s own research revealed that readers will leave a page if it doesn’t load within three seconds. Take these things into consideration. Create your design through simplicity and don’t overwhelm your visitors.

7. Hire a Professional Writer

The race to publish new content and helpful information on the web is one you’ll need to run to increase conversions. The content on your website can take several approaches—from tutorials and how-tos to reviews and informative comparisons. But your content is useless if users can’t find or access it easily (that’s where good SEO comes into play).

When should you hire a professional?  Since advertising agencies began booming as an industry roughly 100 hundred years ago,  professionals sought to master the nuances of persuasive writing. There’s still a market standard among professional advertisers, and it’s called copywriting. Copywriting is the sales writing of our professional-business world. You won’t be able to identify it with the naked eye, yet it’s strategic and results-driven. You can use it to boost your website’s performance and to peak your reader’s interest. The Conversion Copywriting Workshop is the training tool to start with to make sure your content is performing to meet your conversion marketing goals.

8. Know Your Benefits and Features

Conversion marketing isn’t only about how you use the technical tools of the internet. Benefits and features are psychological concepts that measure the reasons why people buy products and why those products work. Being able to clearly describe the benefit of your offer and why it works will allow you to boost your reader’s retention. Every product has an intent; this is called the benefit. The benefit of a restaurant is that it will cook for you. The benefit of an umbrella is that it keeps you dry.

These benefits, when measured to the finest details, are only possible through a product’s features. Though a restaurant feeds you, they require a top-rated chef, a clean kitchen, and the choicest ingredients. Though the umbrella keeps the rain off of you, it relies on a pore-less synthetic membrane, anti-lightning-titanium rods, and an easy-open switch for greater use. Knowing your benefits and features can boost your conversions.

9. Track and Then Measure Your Analytics

Websites are active assets; they’re responding to the consumer as well as a site’s owner. We know this based on analytics. Your site is shown to someone who seeks it or finds it within a search engine. For every link that a person clicks on, the site then sends them to a listed page. If you’re smart, you’re keeping track of these actions and using them to your advantage. Psychology is what you essentially have to deal with if you want to stay a few steps ahead of your leads.

You need data in order to do this. Data reveals how your consumers behave, what they value, and where you can find them. Analytics gives you a psychological edge over the market. WordPress plugins will then help you to dig deeper into the minds of your leads.

10. Take the Time for A/B Testing

The last of our conversion marketing tips involves A/B testing. Don’t rate your campaigns at face value. Take the time to test them, challenge your content, and allow real-world results to confirm the value of your message. Your product has to be effective. It needs to connect with your audience. By recreating two versions of the same content piece, you can put your ideas to the test. See which one performs the best–you may be surprised. The best performer should be the one that you rely on. Once both forms of a message are sent out and seen, you’ll know for sure which one works.

Wrapping Up: Conversion Marketing Tips

Conversions generate sales by positioning your business in a strategic place. Every detail that you analyze, which can be converted into conversion goals, adds to the overall picture. There’s no end to how strategic you can be. Redefine your website’s performance, implement a few of these conversion marketing tips and make a real connection with your leads.

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