How to Break the Email Marketing Rules: Free 3-Part Webinar Series

In the last couple of years, we've used email marketing to literally build and grow our business. It's the lifeblood of our sales and marketing efforts at iThemes and I'm a huge advocate of it for entrepreneurs. It's still the best way to get the word out to your prospects and customers about new products, features and content.

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In the last couple of years, we’ve used email marketing to literally build and grow our business. It’s the lifeblood of our sales and marketing efforts at iThemes and I’m a huge advocate of it for entrepreneurs. It’s still the best way to get the word out to your prospects and customers about new products, features and content. And our efforts have grown and improved dramatically over the last year to leverage email marketing (thanks Kristen!). And while the hot trend continues to be social media (and yes, we believe in it as well), email is still the undisputed champion. It’s just not as sexy as social media so people tend to overlook it. (But that’s loss!) And so a couple weeks ago I stumbled onto an awesome book by DJ Waldrow and Jason Falls titled “The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing.” and shared it with our team. We immediately implemented several things we learned from it and so I decided to reach out to DJ and see if he’d do a webinar series on email marketing for our community.

I’m pleased to announce a 3-part FREE webinar series on email marketing on Nov. 27, Dec. 4, and Dec. 11 with DJ, one super sharp guy with tons of practical content.

We asked DJ to do these free email marketing training webinars for the benefit of our entire customer community so you can leverage these insights in your own business (and on your WordPress sites) and for the benefits of your clients, so I hope you take good notes and start implementing these strategies as fast as we will. Each webinar will start at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time and the titles, descriptions and signup links are below:

Part I: Growing Your Email List

You can have the best subject line, a killer email template, a too-good-to-be true offer, yet if you don’t have an email list to send to, none of that matters. Growing your list is the most important aspect of any solid email marketing strategy. However, it’s not enough to think of list growth as a one-time effort. The average list churns 30% per year. In other words, those email addresses you worked so hard to obtain are no longer on your list due to old/bad/abandoned accounts, unsubscribes, spam complaints and unemotionally subscribed people. In this 60-minute webinar, learn from DJ Waldow – co-author of The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing – why your email sign-up should always be the most prominent call-to-action on your website. DJ will also share various tips, tricks, and tactics to grow your list. Note: This webinar is the first in a 3-part series hosted by DJ.

Part 2: Breaking “The Rules” of Email Marketing – Dec. 4 @ 1pm CST

Rules! Are you one of those people who always follows the rules? Or maybe you are the opposite – when you see a rule, you try to break it. When it comes to email marketing, there seems to be a ton of advice to “always” do this and “never” do that. The truth is many of these rules are outdated and no longer valid. Some are flat out wrong. In this 60-minute webinar, learn from DJ Waldow – co-author of The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing – about which email marketing “rules” you should break. DJ will share examples of individuals and companies who are breaking the rules and still finding success.

Part 3: Email Marketing is to Batman Like Social Media is to Robin – Dec. 11 @ 1 pm CST

According to the Direct Marketer Association, email marketing brought in $40.56 for every dollar spent on the efforts in 2011. Yet somehow, it seems that it’s getting pushed aside a bit since the hottest thing on the planet – social media – has taken off. However, email marketing (like Batman) has a proven track record. When combined with social media (Robin), email can be a powerful force – a dynamic duo, if you will. In this 60-minute webinar, learn from DJ Waldow – co-author of The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing – about how email and social go together like Batman and Robin.

About DJ Waldow

DJ Waldow is an email marketing consultant, writer, blogger, speaker, and co-author of The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing. He is the founder and CEO of Waldow Social, a company that creates opportunities for social engagement and community development through a fresh approach to email marketing. Waldow Social “bakes” social media in to your messages to compel a response, and build the relationships that matter most. DJ has spent nearly 8 years in the email, social, and community-building world, advising clients on how to optimize their email marketing campaigns and–on occasion–break some of the “best practice” rules. DJ can be found on most social networks under the handle “djwaldow” or by searching “DJ Waldow.”