Essential Career Advice for Developers

Last week, by popular request, I posted my top 10 essential career tips for developers.  The response and comments were great and so I instantly went to work on fleshing the 10 keys out more with practical advice. Today, I'm excited to share that I've made the first draft available, which is now around 4,000+ words long, for free via Google Docs.

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SolidWP Editorial Team
Last week, by popular request, I posted my top 10 essential career tips for developers.  The response and comments were great and so I instantly went to work on fleshing the 10 keys out more with practical advice. Today, I’m excited to share that I’ve made the first draft available, which is now around 4,000+ words long, for free via Google Docs. As I’ve done with my recent books, I’m asking for your help editing and shaping it to make it better, clearer and more helpful.

You can get the draft of my Essential Career Advice for Developers here.

The 10 keys are:

  1. Build your portfolio of cool projects that work.
  2. Get involved and contribute to an open source project.
  3. Remember, always & forever: It’s all about people.
  4. Good communication skills are almost as valuable and important as programming.
  5. Ship.
  6. Park your arrogance at the door.
  7. Get out from behind a computer screen and meet people.
  8. Make sure you power down regularly.
  9. Always, always, always be learning and exploring.
  10. Pass it on.
If you like what you read, I’d really appreciate it if you’d share it with others who can benefit from it (as well as help me tune it up even more). By the way, I’ve also started a separate email updates list for those interested in knowing when I push out new content related to career advice for developers.

Signup for the Career Advice updates list here.